“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death” – Albert Einstein,
A transformer is a heart of power system and this heart should beat till it’s useful life for feeding all kinds of load requirement of all types of consumers/products without any interruption.
Despite being a very simple and robust device, transformer gets failed well before there useful life or we can say die a premature death in most of the cases.
Reasons for failure are not one or two, but many, under the following category, (a) Quality, (b) Installation & Commissioning, (c) Protection, (d) Operation & Maintenance, (e) Condition Monitoring, (f) Lack of Know how & skills of people, (g) Theft cases, (h) Age etc.
In our country barring few private utilities where the failure rate of overall power and distribution transformers are less than 1 %, the failure rate of transformers is very very high elsewhere.
Apart from the life of transformers, other challenges utilities faces are, (a) Lesser footprint, (b) Environment-friendly, (c) Zero Fire Hazard, (d) Low on maintenance, (e) Low losses and High Efficiency, (f) Usage /Scrapping of Old defective stock of transformers.
Training is provided to meet the above challenges through topics listed below.
- History and development of transformers
- Types of transformers
- Standards related to transformers
- Transformers construction
- The significance of parts of transformers
- Transformer oil
- Understanding of Rating plate details of transformers
- On-site Testing of transformers
- Testing of oil
- Dry type Vs Oil type transformers
- Mineral oil Vs Esters
- Recommended practices for installation & commissioning
- Recommended practices for operation and maintenance
- Condition monitoring and Diagnostic Techniques
- DGA and interpretation
- Causes of failure
- Capital maintenance of transformers and its advantage.
- Amorphous core Vs CRGO transformers
- HVDS (High Voltage Distribution System) 1-Ph distribution transformers
- HVDS Vs LVDS (Low Voltage Distribution systems)
- Star Vs normal rating
- Understanding losses in transformers
- Understanding unbalancing and advantage of balancing.
- Challenges before distribution utilities
- Failure analysis of distribution transformers at utilities end
- Reducing failure rate of distribution transformers.
HT and LT switchgear are vital equipment in Electrical network in the power system. They are protection device used to make and break the circuit as and when required and most important is to isolate the faulty circuit in time in any type of fault condition.
Despite being highly reliable & safe equipment, they get failed/malfunction well before there useful life or we can say die a premature death in most of the cases.
Reasons of failure are not one or two, but many, under the following category, (a) Installation & Commissioning, (b)Operation &Maintenance, (c) Condition Monitoring, (d) Lack of Know how & skills of people, (g)Theft cases etc.
In our country barring few private utilities where failure rate /malfunctioning of circuit breakers are less than 1 % , failure rate/malfunctioning of circuit breakers is very very high elsewhere.
Apart from the life of circuit breakers, other challenges utilities faces are, (a) Utilization of protection system properly, (b) Updation of protection system with latest technology, (c) Proper utilization of all accessories of RMU/Circuit breakers (d) Gas leakage from SF6 RMU, (e) Usage /Scrapping of Old defective RMU/Circuit breaker.
Training is provided to meet the above challenges through the topics listed below.
- Type of HT and LT Circuit breakers
- Standards related to circuit breakers.
- Circuit breaker construction
- Significance of parts of Circuit breakers
- Understanding of Rating plate details of Circuit breakers
- Protection system of circuit breakers.
- On site Testing of Circuit breakers
- Latest trend of circuit breakers
- Recommended practices for installation & commissioning
- Recommended practices for operation & maintenance
- Condition monitoring
- Causes of failure
- Challenges before distribution utilities
- Failure analysis of circuit breakers at utilities end
- Reducing failure rate of circuit breakers
Power distribution is the most crucial link in the electricity supply chain and has a great significance in respect to impact on the sector’s commercial viability, and ultimately on the consumers who pay for power services.
The distribution system continues to carry electricity from the point where transmission leaves off, that is, at the 66/33 kV level.
Depending upon the quantum of power and the distance involved, lines of appropriate voltages are laid.
The main distribution equipment comprises HT and LT lines, transformers, substations, switchgear, capacitors, conductors and meters.
HT lines supply electricity to industrial consumers while LT lines carry it to residential and commercial consumers.
Training is provided on topics listed below.
- Power Sector Scenario, Power Regulations in India, Functions of Power Distribution Company
- Understanding the Power Distribution System, Fundamentals of Electrical Power System
- Main components of the Distribution System
- Installation of 33/11 KV and 11/0.433 KV Substation and other equipment and Network lines
- Earthing of Various Equipment
- Material Purchasing and Bill of Quantities
- Testing & Maintenance of Distribution System
- Best practices in Operation and Maintenance
- SCADA and GIS mapping
- Releasing New Connection to Consumers, Energy Meter Installation
- 11.Meter reading, Billing and Revenue
- Health and Safety Practices for Power related works

Energy is one of the most important components of economic infrastructure. It is the basic input required to sustain economic growth.
As of 31st July 2018, following is the share of sources of energy in India.
Thermal ( Coal, Gas, Diesel) – 222.6 GW ( 64.3% ), Renewable – 71.51 GW (20.6 %) , Hydro – 45.3 GW( 13.1 % ), Nuclear – 6.8 GW (2%)
Total installed power capacity of India is 346.02 GW and Renewal energy potential is >1000 GW ( Solar 750 GW, Wind 300 GW, Bio 25 GW, Small Hydro 15 GW)
Coal, Nuclear, Gas & Diesel are non- renewable sources, with harmful emissions and going to exhaust by this century.
Hence Solar, Wind, Tidal, Bio which are renewable sources of energy are the solution for the future and their growth and development is the need of the hour.
Our country having huge potential to generate safe and cheap energy by renewable sources is running one of the largest and most ambitious renewable capacity expansion programs in the world.
The total installed capacity of renewable energy as on 31st July 2018 is 71.51 GW ( Solar 23.11 GW, Wind 34.40 GW, Bio 9.51 GW, Small Hydro 4.49 GW )
Renewal energy target by 2022 is 175 GW ( Solar 100 GW, Wind 60 GW, Bio 10 GW, Small Hydro 5 GW )
This shows the potential in the field of Solar Energy
Out of 100 GW target for Solar energy, 40 GW is a target for Rooftop solar and till now only 2 GW has been achieved.
Solar Rooftop has great potential and can indeed be a game changer in attaining 100 GW of Solar Energy by 2022.
Electricity generated could be:
(a)used for self-consumption and surplus to grid with a net-metering approach
(b)fed into the grid at regulated feed-in tariffs
(c)Offers electricity consumers a lower electricity bill
Challenges in meeting targets of rooftop solar power plant are (a) Lack of awareness on advantage of rooftop solar among owner (Residential, Institutional, Commercial, Industrial ), (b) Lack of awareness on government schemes/ policies on rooftop solar among owner (Residential, Institutional, Commercial, Industrial ), (c) Small EPC companies without much know how/skill doing unproductive installations, damaging customer confidence, (d) Cutthroat competition among small EPC companies shaking confidence of rooftop owner, (e) Public utilities not giving prompt response /service to rooftop owner in case of net metering/Grid tie system.
Training is provided on topics listed below.
- Renewable energy, advantages, and types
- Solar energy
- The solar power plant, types and their operating principle
- Overview and selection criteria for solar PV modules
- Factors affecting the performance of the solar power plant
- Relevant standards on solar power plant
- Testing of PV module and overall plant.
- Overview and Selection criteria for solar inverters.
- Grid connectivity challenges and it’s mitigation measures while integrating solar power plant with the Grid
- Overview and selection criteria for battery and balance of system
- Earthing, lighting and other protection.
- Safety tool kit
- Types of a metering arrangement including net metering
- Sizing of power plant manually
- Overview of Commissioning inspection parameters checklist.