Chartered Engineers & Valuers
“Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better.
When it does not exist, design it.”— Sir Henry Royce
We offer services of Institution of Engineers ( India) certified Charted Engineers and Institution of Valuers (India) certified valuers, approve to inspect, asses and submit independent observation required for plant & machinery, office & Industrial units, movable & immovable assets etc.
Ours is a reliable service provider in the field of charted Engineer Certification and Valuation.
With our team of Charted Engineers, Valuers and Engineers, we cater to the various requirements of diversified industries.
We aim at delivering highly efficient and timely services so as to meet the expectations of the clients.
Our major objective is to ensure maximum client satisfaction at all times.
1. Export promotion capital good ( EPCG) license–Certifying the end use of capital goods sought for import for its use at pre-production, production or post-production stage for the product is undertaken for export obligation.
2. Installation certificates –Certifying that the use of spares so imported in the installed capital goods on the basis of stock & consumption registers maintained by the license holder.
3. Advance license –Certifying that inputs being imported without payment of basic customs duty is in order.
4. Export of defective parts/machine/equipment which cannot be repaired in India – Certifying that part of an imported machine cannot be repaired in India and has to be sent back to the manufacturer’s or supplier’s works for repairs and re-import.

5. Exemption to goods supplied to a service provider such as hotels or stand-alone restaurants underserved from India scheme-Certifying that installation and use of the goods in the factory or premises within 6 months from the date of clearance.
6. Certification of DBK1 statement for claiming duty drawback on all Industry rates/fixation of draw rates/refund of terminal excise duty-Certifying that (a) the consumption of various materials shown in DBK-1 statement after examining it carefully that items are actually required and are being consumed in the factory of production for manufacture of export product(b) imported materials are being actually used in the manufacture of the export product and are not being substituted by indigenous materials. (c) The wastage claimed is reasonable and comparable to the general norms for the industry.
7. Computation of amortization cost of tools (Moulds/Dies) used in the manufacture of components/parts.-Expensing the acquisition cost of tools minus residual value in a systematic manner over their estimated useful economic lives so as to reflect their expiration, obsolescence or other declines in value as a result of use with the passage of time.
8. Computation of Installed capacity of plant.-Certificate for investment in plant & machinery for attaining the status of 100 % EOU ( Export oriented unit)
9. Certification of Bill of materials submitted by solar power developers.-Certifying Bill of materials for setting up Solar Power project which enables the developers to obtain customs/excise duty exemption certificates from
MNRE ( Ministry of New and Renewable Energy )
10. Certification for BIS-Certificate for plant and machinery, a laboratory for testing required for manufacturing as per BIS norms.
11. Valuation –Valuation of Plant & Machinery to meet Specific Purposes/Requirements.